Develop your talents

Aristote Programme

Offered individually or in groups, the Aristote Programme is a 7-step process that provides each member of your team with a better understanding of themselves and in particular of their strengths:

The originality of the Aristote Programme lies in the construction of Talent-Characters® that offer a clear and precise vision of each person's strengths. The course is based on creativity techniques, physical exercices and professional development tools.

The Aristote Programme develops personal leadership and stimulates teamwork, enabling individuals to :
  • Identify and embrace their talents
  • be fully aware of their uniqueness
  • be more fulfilled by using theirtalents for what is really important to them


. Illimited number of participants
. Live or remote
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. Individual or groupe sessions (6-10 participants)
. Live or remote
One to one coaching sessions : 12 - 15 hours to complete the programme depending on your objectives
Groupe sessions : 3 days of collective coaching plus 2 or 3 individual sessions, depending on your objectives
More information about the programme :
The journey starts by taking stock of the strengths, needs and aspirations of each person. This corresponds to the first 3 steps.

In step 4, each person sorts and groups these elements to form coherent sets. Each of these facets is then named, described and illustrated in the form of a Talen- character®.

Building 4 to 7 Talent Characters® provides a clear map of what is best and unique about oneself. It then becomes much easier to integrate one's full potential.

The last two steps are about defining a project and taking action.


An online platform that accompanies the journey
  • Explanations and instructions to guide the work during the intersessions.
  • Examples to facilitate understanding.


Audio training
Centering exercices to be used daily.


Theory and exercices
A workbook that combines theory and exercises in a creative and fun format.


Books to learn more, creative materials...