Boost your vitality through the seasons


From the end of May to September, we suggest that you make the most of the season to capitalise on the sun's energy, fill up on antioxidants and advice on how to make the most of the holiday period, improve concentration and memory and prepare for the new school year.


• 60 - 120 minutes
. Illimited participants
. Live or remote
Led by Christine Duvieusart
Au cours de cette conférence Christine vous explique comment capitaliser sur l’énergie de l’été et comment concilier travail et saison chaude. L’été étant aussi la saison des vacances, Christine nous dit quels produits naturels emmener dans sa trousse de voyage. Elle donne des pistes pour profiter du soleil et des aliments riches en antioxydants afin de préserver sa santé tout au long de l’année.
Elle donnera des pistes pour profiter du soleil et des aliments riches en antioxydants afin de préserver sa santé tout au long de l’année.

Enfin cette saison est l’occasion de faire un focus sur les moyens naturels pour préserver et améliorer sa concentration et sa mémoire.
Christine propose des actions simples et concrets à appliquer au quotidien pour profiter de l’été.


- ½ day to 1 day per workshop according to your needs
- Up to 10 participants
. Live or remote
3 Coaching-workshops, in person or remotely.
Workshop 1 - Spring Output Review
Identification by each participant of:
- their needs
- their aspirations
- activities and resources needed to capitalise on the energy of the summer and optimise its impact.

Workshop 2 - Practical advice
(diet, breathing, physical exercises, essential oils...)
Tips to:
- boost your energy,
- improve concentration and memory
- focus on antioxidants
- take care of your body and mind
Workshop 3 - Taking action
Impulse and organise the implementation of practical and personalised actions following the 2 previous workshops to take full advantage of the energy of summer.


Vidéos didactiques
Access the Workshop programme in e-learning capsules, to learn at your own pace. The e-learning programme includes exclusive self-assessment and guided introspection exercises.


Audio training
Meditation and breathing exercises for daily practice.


Theory and exercices
A workbook with theory and creative exercices.


Natural anti-stress and well-being products.
CONTACT USSee the other seasons